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Telegram is said to be overwhelmed by illegal and extremist activity


A latest evaluation by way of The New York Times of over 3.2 million messages from 16,000 Telegram channels exhibits alarming findings. The messaging platform is reportedly being flooded with unlawful and extremist content. Specifically, The Times diagnosed 1,500 channels connected to white supremacists, in conjunction with numerous others that sell illegal activities. For instance, there had been two dozen channels concerned in the sale of guns. Additionally, as a minimum 22 channels openly marketed drugs including MDMA, cocaine, and heroin for delivery.

Telegram’s developing hassle with illegal activity has caught the attention of regulation enforcement. Last month, Telegram’s founder and CEO, Pavel Durov, was arrested in France. The arrest got here after allegations that the platform’s inadequate content material moderation enabled illegal hobby. The French government recommended that by not taking stronger action towards unlawful content, Durov became an accomplice to the crimes facilitated through Telegram.

Following the arrest, Telegram took steps to address those concerns. The platform updated its website to consist of a characteristic that permits users to file abuse greater easily. Durov has also been vocal on his personal Telegram channel, protecting the platform and his management. He argues that charging him based totally on old legal guidelines is arbitrary. In his words, “Using legal guidelines from the pre-phone generation to charge a CEO with crimes dedicated via third parties on the platform he manages is a misguided approach.”

While Telegram has taken a few steps closer to enhancing content moderation, critics argue that those adjustments can be too little, too overdue. The platform’s decentralized nature and encryption features have made it a hub for illicit hobby. Despite Durov’s protection, governments globally may additionally push for stricter policies on structures like Telegram. This situation highlights the growing tension between tech corporations and regulation enforcement over the balance among loose speech and the need to save you unlawful activities online.

The destiny of Telegram remains uncertain as the government continues to scrutinize its position inside the spread of extremist content and illegal sports.


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