breach Security

Dell discloses data breach of customers’ physical addresses


Millions of customers have been affected by a data breach disclosed by the tech giant, Dell. The company has verified that compromised information encompasses names, physical addresses and particulars regarding the procurement of Dell hardware.

Dell declared via email that a mishap had occurred concerning their company portal which contained vital customer purchase information. The accessed data primarily includes the names, addresses, service tags, order descriptions and warranty details of customers. However, Dell guarantees its consumers that financial information as well as electronic mail (email) addresses have not been compromised or exposed to any risk whatsoever.

Despite the company’s reassurance of minimal risk associated with the breached data, experts warned that physical addresses could be exploited by criminals for targeted phishing attacks or stalking.

Dell has not revealed the precise number of customers who have been impacted. However, according to an independent report, a hacker on a dark web forum is said to have put up for sale Dell customer data belonging to approximately 49 million individuals. This information could potentially match that which was confirmed as breached by Dell.

The amount of affected users by Dell’s security breach has not been acknowledged, and the assertions made by the hacker have yet to be contested.


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