
Elevate your Netflix experience: 5 must-try tricks for enhanced entertainment


Unlock the full potential of your Netflix streaming experience by exploring five essential features. Elevate your entertainment journey with personalized recommendations and efficient data usage. From refining suggestions with ‘Thumbs Up’ or ‘Thumbs Down’ ratings to creating a curated watchlist in ‘My List,’ Netflix tailors recommendations based on your preferences. Efficiently utilize the search bar on the homepage to sort and locate content, including Netflix Original titles, and explore TV shows and movies by subtitle and audio languages through ‘Browse by Languages.’

Maintain privacy by selectively deleting or hiding shows and movies from your Netflix viewing history, ensuring that your preferences remain personal. Manage your “continue watching” row by removing titles with a simple hover and click the “X.” Take control of your data usage on the Netflix mobile app by adjusting Cellular Data Usage settings, choosing from options like ‘Wi-Fi Only,’ ‘Low,’ ‘Medium,’ ‘High,’ and ‘Unlimited.’

Enhance your Netflix navigation skills by utilizing keyboard shortcuts like ‘F’ for full screen and ‘Esc’ to exit full screen. Pause and play with ‘PgDn’ and ‘PgUp,’ respectively, or use the spacebar for the same functions. Fast forward with ‘Shift + Right Arrow’ and rewind with ‘Shift + Left Arrow.’ Toggle the mute button with ‘M,’ and skip intros with ‘S.’ These shortcuts empower you to navigate Netflix like a pro, maximizing your streaming experience.


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